

1. S20K
2. AEK971
3. XM8
4. 870MCS



1. M249

金塊數量: 5




1. AN94
2. SPAS12
3. XM8C
4. SV98
5. SVU
6. MG36

武器M95 敵人會掉落.

金塊數量: 5




1. VSS
2. NS2000
3. MG3
4. M16
5. M24
6. PP2000
7. UMP
8. PKM

金塊數量: 5

Gold Bar #1
Weapon #4 M16

Gold Bar #2
Weapon #6 M24

Weapon #7 PP2000

Gold Bar #3

Gold Bar #4

Weapon #8 PKM

Gold Bar #5




金塊數量: 5

Gold Bar #1 Located at the dam on the left side inside a white building across the street from 2 blue buildings. See picture below for more details.

Gold Bar #2 Located downstairs of the radio tower. When you head down the stairs take a left and another left through the next door way, it will be right there as seen below.

Gold Bar #3 Located on a small island after taking off from the radio area you were just at. Look at the map above to get more accurate directions.

Gold Bar #4 After defeating the enemies and the boats, try not to go to far ahead onto the next objective, try and land your heli as fast as possible (doesn't have to be extremely fast) land it as close as possible the area marked in the screenshot above on the map and what you see below. Which is a white building next to two blue buildings. By looking at my picture, run in and to the left and it will be right there. Just be careful of enemies if you didn't clear them and I say to be fast because if you already triggered the LOW FUEL scene, you'll want to get there as fast as possible.

Gold Bar #5 When you start, eliminate the enemies then head down the ramp. You'll see another ramp to your left, if you were to head down that ramp, directory to your right is a white building, right inside that doorway to the left is the last gold bar. See image below for more details. MAKE SURE that you do NOT go ahead and fuel the helicopter from any of the trucks as you will NOT be able to go back to get the gold bar and you will have to replay the entire level again.



1. M95
3. AKS47U

金塊數量: 5

Weapon #1 M95 can be found at the first marker you have to go too. The marker will not show up until you get closer to the building.
Weapon #2 XM8LMG you can find to the southwest corner of the map inside of a house right off the docks in the middle.
Weapon #3 AKS47U you can find outside the first building if coming from the south road.

Weapon #1 M95 can be found at the first marker you have to go too. The marker will not show up until you get closer to the building.

Gold Bar #1 Last building in this area, can't miss it. Inside the doorway to the right. See below.

Gold Bar #2 To the right of the house sitting on some blocks. Can't miss it, see below.

Gold Bar #3 Top left of the map (look above) this will be the very first one you come across going up the hill, you will have to go off the path though, just a little.

Gold Bar #4 This is in some ruins on top of the mountain. Cross a bridge and then to your right start climbing that mountain a little. You will have to do a little jumping to get up here. See the screenshot below this picture to see how and where to jump at.

Gold Bar #5 This on the northeast side of the map. See 3 screenshots up. If you see the screenshot below this one, you can see how to get up here, just follow the dirt road till you get to a blue sign and some ruins to your right. Go to the left of the blue sign and up the hill, you'll come to what you see below.



Weapons (Collectibles)
1. T194
2. AUG
3. 9A91
4. GOL
5. QJU88
6. SPAS15

Total Gold: 5

Weapon #1, #2, #3 (T194, AUG, 9A91)


Weapon #2 AUG can be found at the top of the roof top (marked by an X) in the middle of the beginning area where you first encounter enemies.

Weapon #3 9A91 I'm not sure if this can always be found in here. Have yet to test. But it was laying on the ground flashing so I assume it will always be here. Here is a picture of the building, again, same area you first encounter enemies.

Weapon #4 GOL can be found at the highest point in the first area you encounter enemies. It's a sniper rifle among the guy you kill. Picture below.

Weapon #5 QJU88 can be found on top of another tower closer to the ocean.

Weapon #6 SPAS15 can be found once you go up the hill, it will be found in the first blue building upstairs. See picture below.

Gold Bar #1 is in a house on the left as soon as you go up the ramp with your tank. Screenshot below.

Gold Bar #2 is located inside of a blue building (left one) as you go on with the level down the main road. Screenshot below. Look at the mini map if you need more help.

Weapon #1 T194 If you did not happen to find the T194 at the beginning of the level from the enemy soldier from the shack then the T194 can always be located here. This X marker will only show up AFTER you have blown up the silo. It will then be ahead of you to your left.

This is just another picture for the T194 showing what building it is from a little more distance if you have trouble.

Gold Bar #3 is located right next to the building behind the pipes when you advanced towards Sadiz up the hill. Screenshot below.

Gold Bar #4 can be found after you destroy the silo, just head to the area you need to go to but don't go to far because there is a building right at the intersection that you will find gold bar #4. It is on the 2nd story. Use the screenshot below for more help.

Gold Bar #5 can be found at end of the construction buildings. Just make sure you do NOT enter the vehicle. Instead go to the right by the pools and you'll see it between them in a wide open area.

Hope you enjoyed the guide and game!


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